Alexander_von Jeinsen

Advestra advises Andermatt Swiss Alps on its refinancing

Ander­matt Swiss Alps has entered into a CHF 125 mil­lion revolving cred­it facil­ity with Cred­it Suisse (Switzer­land) act­ing as arranger, agent and lender and a con­sor­ti­um of Swiss banks act­ing as lenders to refin­ance its exist­ing fin­an­cial indebted­ness and to fin­ance work­ing cap­it­al needs and invest­ments for the devel­op­ment of, among oth­er things, hotel and tour­ism infra­struc­ture in Andermatt.

The real estate devel­op­ment com­pany is known for devel­op­ing lux­ury alpine resorts in the zone of Ander­matt with the ambi­tion of trans­form­ing the region into a year-round prime alpine tour­ist destination.

Advestra acted as leg­al coun­sel to the Ander­matt Swiss Alps in the trans­ac­tion. The team included partners Alexander von Jein­sen (pictured), Alex­an­der Fisch, Sandro Fehl­mann and Fabi­an Loretan (all fin­an­cing), Daniel Raun and Anna Capaul (both corporate/M&A) as well as Céline Mar­tin (tax).

Niederer Kraft Frey advised Credit Suisse Switzerland acting as arranger, agent and lender and a consortium of Swiss banks. The NKF team was led by M&A/finance partner Philip Spoerlé, working with associate Selim Lötscher, junior associate Carlotta Ulmer and student trainee Robin Weissenrieder (all M&A/finance), partner Andreas Vögeli and senior associate Oliver Zbinden (both Real Estate), as well as partner Markus Kronauer (tax).
