Advestra advises Barry Callebaut on placement of CHF 600m inaugural bonds

Barry Cal­le­baut tapped the Swiss mar­ket for the first time suc­cess­fully issu­ing two tranches of CHF bonds in the total aggreg­ate amount of CHF 600 million. The first tranche amounts to CHF 225 million with a coupon of 1.95% and will be due in 2028. The aggreg­ate prin­cip­al amount of the second tranche is CHF 375 million, has a coupon of 2.3% and will mature in 2032. UBS AG, BNP Pari­bas (Suisse) SA and Zürch­er Kan­ton­al­bank acted as Joint Lead Man­agers in this transaction.

Advestra acted as leg­al coun­sel to Barry Cal­le­baut. The team included Annette Weber (pictured), Thomas Reut­ter and Mil­an Schéda (all Cap­it­al Markets).