Advestra advises KPIT on its strategic investment in AirConsole

KPIT Tech­no­lo­gies, an independent software development and integration partner helping mobility leapfrog towards a clean and safe future, has entered into an agree­ment regard­ing a stra­tegic invest­ment of €3 million in N‑Dream, the com­pany behind the lead­ing in-car gam­ing plat­form AirConsole. The transaction is poised to close on December 15, 2024. This investment and partnership with the India-based KPIT will allow the startup to scale the technology and strengthen its market position.

Advestra acted as leg­al coun­sel to KPIT Tech­no­lo­gies. The team con­sisted of partner Daniel Raun (pictured), Anna Capaul, Fabi­an Loretan, Samuel Fäh, Tatiana Bor­di­ug and Kim Rudolf (all cor­por­ate and M&A).
