Advestra advises on SO.MA.CI.S. and AT&S Korea acquisitions

Advestra has acted as Swiss legal counsel to the initial purchasers and lenders in connection with the financing of Bain Capital’s acquisition of SO.MA.CI.S. and the subsequent acquisition of AT&S Korea by SO.MA.CI.S.

The transaction included the issuance of EUR 550 million senior secured floating rate notes due 2031 by an affiliate of Bain Capital. The proceeds were used to finance Bain Capital’s acquisition of SO.MA.CI.S. and SO.MA.CI.S.’ acquisition of AT&S Korea. Additionally, Advestra represented the lenders in relation to a EUR 100 million super senior revolving credit facility governed by Swiss law.

The initial purchasers were Morgan Stanley & Co. International plc, BofA Securities Europe SA, Crédit Agricole Corporate and Investment Bank, Nomura Financial Products Europe GmbH, and UBS Europe SE.

The team

The Advestra team advising on this transaction comprised Alexander von Jeinsen, Mariëlle van Nimwegen, and Alexander Fisch (all specialising in Financing), along with Céline Martin providing expertise on Tax matters.