Baker McKenzie promotes two partners in the Zurich team

Alexander Blaeser and Gregory Walsh have been promoted as new partners in Baker McKenzie‘s Zurich team.  Worldwide, 85 attorney have been promoted to partner. During Financial Year 2020, Baker McKenzie also added 68 lateral partner hires. Combining this year’s promotions and new lateral talent, they added 153 partners to our ranks.

Dr. Blaeser (pictured left) has broad experience in mergers & acquisitions and private equity transactions, corporate law matters, debt financing transactions and corporate reorganizations. He advises Swiss and international clients, including private and listed companies, on domestic and cross-border transactions (both sell and buy-side), general corporate and commercial matters, executive compensation, loans and credit facilities, corporate restructurings as well as areas of law ancillary thereto.

Gregory (pictured right) focuses his practice on international tax planning and global wealth management matters. He advises clients on trust and company structures, FATCA and CRS compliance, US withholding tax and Qualified Intermediary compliance, tax treaty issues, individual and corporate tax planning, financial institution tax compliance and tax regularization matters.
