Damian Schai has joined Wenger Plattner as new partner
Damian Schai has joined Wenger Plattner as new partner, coming from Lenz Caemmerer.
He is working in the IP & IT, life sciences and health law departments, advising companies and private individuals in all areas of intellectual property law and represents them in court. One focus of his work is the protection, defense and legal enforcement of trademarks worldwide. He has broad experience in other intellectual property law and related disciplines, such as copyright, personality, name and company law, the law on unfair competition and data protection.
In the IT area, Damian Schai advises and supports clients in particular in contract law (for example in the areas of software and software development, hosting and other IT providers, eCommerce and licenses). In addition, he can draw on a wealth of experience in the areas of labor law, contract law and civil procedure law, which he has acquired as a court clerk and in numerous court proceedings.