Five lawyers arrive at Baker McKenzie’s Geneva office

As of September 2020, Baker McKenzie reinforces its Geneva office with five specialists in the fields of White-Collar Crime/Compliance & Investigations, Real Estate and Tax.

The existing team of Simon Ntah (first pictured left) as partner and Adriana Garcia Kapeller (pictured centred) and Louise Steinfels (second pictured right) as associates will join Baker McKenzie’s Geneva office as of 1 September 2020, expanding the renowned White-Collar Crime/Compliance & Investigations Practice under Zurich partner Christoph Kurth. All three have extensive experience in the field of national and international white-collar crime, as well as in all areas of national and international dispute resolution.

Another new recruit at Baker McKenzie is Charles Gschwind (second pictured left), expert in the area of real estate transactions. As Senior Associate, he will act as Co-Head of the Geneva Practice Group alongside Olivier Ducrey.

Finally, the firm will also be reinforcing its tax practice in Geneva from 1 October 2020 with the addition of Nathan Bouvier (first pictured right) as an associate. He was previously an associate at Lenz & Staehelin, where he specialised in advising companies and private individuals on national and international tax law issues.
