Froriep, Xenia Rivkin addressed the OSCE Security Dialogue via video message
Xenia Rivkin, an associate of Froriep (pictured), was invited by the OSCE to present a video message to the OSCE Security Dialogue on the UNSCR 1325 (Security Council Resolution on Women Peace and Security), as an Alumni of the OSCE Scholarship for Peace and Security she received in 2018 to follow a course on conflict prevention and resolution through arms control, disarmament and non-proliferation with a focus on OSCE relevant instruments. The video message was released on Wednesday 21 October 2020.
Xenia Rivkin is a Swiss practicing lawyer specialised in international and domestic dispute resolution. She has spent one year working as a UN Human Rights Officer in a conflict zone and has litigated an important case of human trafficking in the construction business in Switzerland.