LPSO’s public tender offer for Orascom: the advisors

Advestra advised LPSO Hold­ing (LPSO), the primary hold­ing com­pany of the Sawiris fam­ily, the major­ity share­hold­er group of ODH, on a vol­un­tary pub­lic tender offer for all pub­licly held shares of Oras­com, advised by Lenz & Staehelin. The offer price proposed by LPSO is CHF 5.60 per ODH share, cor­res­pond­ing to a 40.7% premi­um over the volume-weighted aver­age share price dur­ing the last 60 trad­ing days pri­or to the pub­lic­a­tion of the offer. Set­tle­ment of the offer is expec­ted to occur in March 2025.

Advestra’s team

Advestra advised LPSO in the trans­ac­tion. The team includes partners Daniel Raun and Thomas Reut­ter, associate Fabi­an Wild and junior associate Mil­an Schéda (all cor­por­ate/M&A) as well as tax partner Céline Mar­tin (tax).

Lenz & Staehelin advised Orascom in this transaction. The team was led by partners Tino Gaberthüel (pictured left) and Simone Ehrsam (both corporate and M&A, pictured right). It also included associates Lukas Held and Marius Meier, trainee lawyers Ananda Lee, and Ilya Skurikhin (all corporate and M&A).
