Mbo of Schweizerische Treuhandgesellschaft, Basel. The advisors

The partners and long-term employees of Schweizerische Treuhandgesellschaft in Basel have acquired the local entity from the current owners through a Management Buy-Out (Mbo). With the Mbo of the largest Stg-unit in Basel which occurred at the end of May 2021, the reorganization of the whole Stg-group has been finalized.

Walder Wyss advised the new owners/managers of the Stg entity in Basel. The Walder Wyss team was led by Luc Defferrard (corporate/m&a partner, pictured) and Fabienne Anner (corporate/ m&a, counsel) and included Janine Corti (tax, counsel), Riccardo Brazerol (corporate/ m&a, associate) and Benno Fischer-Siddiqui (ipit, associate).

Schweizerische Treuhandgesellschaft was founded by the Swiss Bank Corporation in 1906 in Basel. It is 100% employee-owned and provides comprehensive advisory services.
