New members join SCAI Arbitration Court as of 1 June 2020

The Swiss Chambers’ Arbitration Institution announced earlier this month that Bernd Ehle (pictured left), partner at Lalive in Geneva, Ulrike Gantenberg (pictured centre), partner at Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek in Düsseldorf, Germany, and Paolo Marzolini (pictured right), partner at Patocchi & Marzolini in Geneva, will be joining the SCAI Arbitration Court as of 1 June 2020.

«We are thrilled to welcome Ulrike, Bernd and Paolo to the Court. Their diverse legal backgrounds and truly international practices will further enhance the diversity of the Court and bring new ideas and impulses to an already very dynamic institution», Christopher Boog, Vice-President of the SCAI Arbitration Court commented.
