Nicoleta Timofti joins Squire Patton Boggs as a partner in Geneva

Squire Patton Boggs has added partner Nicoleta Timofti (pictured) to its International Dispute Resolution practice. She joins from Curtis Mallet-Prevost in the firm’s recently established office in Geneva, Switzerland and will also spend significant time practicing from its Astana, Kazakhstan office.

Nicoleta Timofti

Timofti is an U.S. qualified international attorney counselling private clients, current and former government officials, multinational corporations, international financial institutions and sovereigns. Her practice includes white collar criminal defense, AML and international corruption, internal investigations, asset recovery, including asset tracing, as well as complex commercial cross-border litigation. As a cross-border litigator, she advises clients on a variety of issues relating to international dispute resolution, such as forum selection, jurisdiction, service of process, and is accustomed to navigating international legal systems (civil, criminal, administrative), enforcement proceedings, international discovery and insolvency proceedings.

Additionally, Ms. Timofti has provided strategic advice to clients on sensitive regulatory, sanctions, corporate raiding, civil and criminal forfeiture orders, Interpol, extradition and Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty (MLAT) related matters, as well as international human rights and the rule of law.

Fluent in four languages, Timofti has worked extensively in emerging markets, particularly CIS states, Eastern Europe and Asia.

About the appointment

Kate Sherrard, managing partner of the Geneva office, commented: “Growing our Geneva office around core firm strengths, including international disputes and investigations, is part of our strategic plan. The office is off to a great start and Nicoleta is an exciting addition who will be a key part of our cross-border offering to clients.”