MLL advised a major Swiss bank and one of its managed vehicles in the acquisition of a new commercial building housing a food production plant, in the form of a sale and lease-back transaction. There
Tags :Philippe Prost
As antipated, the law firms Meyerlustenberger Lachenal (Mll) and Froriep announce the successful implementation of their merger announced in December 2020. Effective July 1, 2021, Mll Meyerlustenberger Lachenal Froriep will appear under the brand Mll. Mll also announced
Meyerlustenberger Lachenal (Mll) advised a longstanding client in the sale of a block of residential buildings to a group of several dozen of private investors selected in the context of a real estate crowdfunding. The
The MLL team, led by Philippe Prost (Real Estate & Construction), consisted of Cosima Trabichet-Castan (Real Estate & Construction) and Jacques Johner (Real Estate & Construction).
The MLL team, led by Philippe Prost (Real Estate & Construction - pictured), consisted of Jacques Johner (Real Estate & Construction).
Victory for 26 Geneva-based medico-welfare institutions after a lengthy procedure against a dozen insurance companies. Indeed, in 2011, the Swiss Federal Council changed its Ordinance on Health Care Insurance Benefits, amending the list of benefits payable under