Nater Dallafior successfully represented an individual against PostFinance. In 2018, PostFinance closed the client’s payment account alleging that US trade sanctions imposed upon the client would make it overly burdensome for PostFinance to operate the
Tags :Roberto Dallafior
A team from Nater Dallafior consisting of partners Roberto Dallafior (pictured right) and Benjamin Schumacher (pictured left), represents a globally operating corporation – being the policyholder – against one of its insurers in SCAI arbitration proceedings. The
Nater Dallafior successfully represented a Swiss media group in a complaint for defamation and violation of his personality by a billionaire. The entrepreneur claimed to be a victim of a media campaign because of a
Nater Dallafior represents a globally operating corporation – being the policyholder – against one of its insurers in SCAI arbitration proceedings. The dispute concerns a claim for coverage based on a business liability insurance policy. The value
Nater Dallafior wins leading cases in international administrative assistance
Nater Dallafior has successfully represented a financial service provider with domicile in Liechtenstein and its directors and employees in three leading cases in international administrative assistance proceedings against the Swiss Federal Tax Administration (“FTA”). The
The team consisted of Roberto Dallafior (pictured) and Patrik Salzmann.