Alexander_von Jeinsen

UBS Switzerland on the financing of Swixx Biopharma’s acquisition of Laboratorios Biopas: the advisors

Advestra advised UBS Switzer­land as man­dated lead arranger, coordin­at­or, agent, secur­ity agent and lender togeth­er with the oth­er syn­dic­ate banks as lenders on the EUR 200 mil­lion cred­it facil­it­ies provided to Swixx Bio­pharma, an inter­con­tin­ent­al com­mer­cial plat­forms for the bio­phar­ma­ceut­ic­al industry advised by BGPartner, for the acquis­i­tion of Labor­ator­i­os Biopas.

BGPartner’s team

BGPartner | Attorneys-at-law assisted Swixx Biopharma AG in the negotiations and advised on all Swiss legal aspects regarding the syndicated credit facility agreement. The team was led by partners Oliver Gnehm (pictured below left) and partner Dr. Alain P. Röthlisberger (pictured below right), and further consisted of David Dalla Vecchia (senior associate) and Thomas Gysin (senior associate).

Advestra’s team

Advestra acted as lead leg­al coun­sel to the bank­ing syn­dic­ate in the trans­ac­tion. The team included partner Alexan­der von Jein­sen (pictured), associate Annina Ham­mer, associate Alex­an­der Fisch and junior associate Mar­tina Giac­ometti (all fin­an­cing) as well as partner Céline Mar­tin (tax).