In the course of a strategy to bundle end-to-end hosting management and infrastructure services at one single managed service partner (1-MSP), ABB has entered into a global outsourcing agreement with Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) to foster cloudification, automation and cost effectiveness of its group-wide data center operations.
The team
Walder Wyss advised ABB in the design and negotiation of the contractual framework during a competitive tendering process. The team was led by partners Michael Isler (pictured left) (Partner, IP/IT) and Didier Sangiorgio (pictured right) (both ip/it) and included senior associate Caroline Gaul (ip/it), associate Annemarie Lagger (ip/it), partner Ueli Sommer (employment), associate Nathalie Möri (employment) and counsel Jan Ole Luuk (tax).