Martin Berweger

Wenger Wieli guides Latam GmbH out of debt moratorium.

In a decision dated August 27, 2024, the Cantonal Court of Zug granted Telecom Latam GmbH a provisional debt restructuring moratorium. The company, a holding founded in 2019, was then assigned Wenger Wieli’s Martin Berweger (partner, pictured) as provisional administrator.

The debt-restructuring moratorium was granted for a period of four months. Under Bergweger’s guidance, Telecom Latam GmbH has been officially released from the debt-restructuring moratorium within the suggested timeframe, following successful recovery.

The team

A specialist in business law, Martin Berweger’s expertise spans from incorporations, to financing rounds, company acquisitions (M&A), restructuring, and joint ventures. Assisting Berweger during the entire tenure was senior associate Bruno Mahler, a transaction specialist in the areas of M&A, Private Equity, and Venture Capital.