The advisors on R&S Group on CHF 160m TL

Baker McKenzie Switzerland advised R&S Group, a manufacturer of electrical infrastructure, in connection with its new CHF 160 million term loan (TL) and CHF 30 million revolving credit facilities (RCF) agreement with UBS Switzerland, advised by Advestra, as mandated lead arranger, coordinator, and agent, along with a syndicate of Swiss and international banks as lenders.

Advestra advised UBS Switzer­land AG as man­dated lead arranger, coordin­at­or, agent and togeth­er with the syn­dic­ate banks as lenders on the CHF 160,000,000 term loan and CHF 30,000,000 revolving loan cred­it facil­it­ies provided to R&S Inter­na­tion­al Hold­ing AG, a fully owned sub­si­di­ary of R&S Group Hold­ing AG, a lead­ing pro­vider of elec­tric­al infra­struc­ture com­pon­ents in focus mar­kets in Europe and lis­ted on SIX Swiss Exchange to refin­ance exist­ing cred­it lines.

The team

Baker McKenzie Switzerland advised R&S Group on all Swiss legal aspects of the transaction. The Baker McKenzie team was led by partner Markus Wolf (banking & finance, pictured) and included associate Charlotte Rüegg (banking & finance) and counsel Andrea Bolliger (tax).

Advestra acted as leg­al coun­sel to the bank­ing syn­dic­ate in the trans­ac­tion. The team included partner Alex­an­der von Jein­sen (pictured left), associate Alex­an­der Fisch, junior associates Mar­tina Giac­ometti and Luca Schmid (all fin­an­cing) as well as tax partner Céline Mar­tin (tax).