CIMO Compagnie industrielle de Monthey entered into an agreement with the Swiss Confederation, under which the latter may use the thermic power plant Thermatel in Monthey as strategic backup source in case of electricity shortfalls. The power plant is already available in winter 2022/23 and currently provides approx. 40 MW of power. After a planned […]
Coronavirus, Hengartner (Lindt): «it will accelerate the legal industry’s transformation»
Also for Lindt, the Swiss chocolatier company founded in 1845 and known for its chocolate products, the pandemic represented an unprecedented situation. Ueli Hengartner, Head Legal Europe & Compliance Lindt, has taken part to initiative
Home office, force majeure clauses, new tasks: for in-house lawyers these were probably the main implications during Covid-19 pandemic. As it was for Jasprit Sahnsi, Deputy General Counsel at Selecta and Board Member at Association
Jesús Castell, Head of Legal Debt & Restructuring at responsAbility Investments, has taken part to initiative «how are you coping with the pandemic?». He tells us how his work has changed and how
Guenther Dobrauz, Partner at PwC Zurich and Leader of PwC Legal Switzerland, has taken part to initiative «how are you coping with the pandemic?».
From the challenge to remain focused at home to the scenario legal sector will face once this challenging situation will be over, Clarisse von Wunschheim, partner at Altenburger, told us her experience during Covid-19 pandemic
Staying at home and self-quarantine are our reality during these challenging times. However, there might be powers in solitude you might have not thought of.
Coronavirus: Piccaluga, for general counsels «more opportunities than threats»
Federico Piccaluga, General Counsel Duferco and ACC Europe country representative for Switzerland, takes part to intiative "how are you coping with the pandemic?".