Lalive secures US$ 330 mln arbitration award for GreenX
Lalive secured a US $330 million victory for subsidiaries of GreenX Metals (previously known as Prairie Mining) in international arbitration proceedings against the Republic of Poland under both the Australia-Poland bilateral investment treaty and the Energy Charter Treaty.
The team advising GreenX was led by Zurich partner Marc Veit (pictured left) and Geneva partner Joachim Knoll (pictured right). Their team included Robert Bradshaw (counsel, London), Adam Grant (senior associate, London), Riccardo Loschi (senior associate, Zurich) and Stela Negran (associate, London).
Marc Veit commented:
The tribunal’s unanimous decision relating to GreenX’s Jan Karski project provides further confidence to the mining industry and international investors more generally in the protection granted to them by the bilateral and multilateral investment treaty system. It highlights that there is successful recourse against resource nationalism no matter where it takes place, even in a developed European economy like Poland.