Advestra advises Gnothis on Financing Rounds

Advestra has advised Gnothis on all legal aspects related the two financing rounds of nearly CHF 10 million. Gnothis Holding is a com­pany act­ive in the health sec­tor and has closed this fin­an­cing rounds this year. Investors include the invest­ment com­pany Nord­stjernan and the indus­tri­al group Hüb­n­er Group.

Gnothis, which is based in Cham, is a pion­eer in the devel­op­ment of DNA sequen­cing products with a par­tic­u­lar focus on early can­cer diagnosis. The corporate object of the company is acquiring, owning and selling shares in other companies in Germany and abroad, especially companies in the fields of biotechnology and biochemistry.

The Advestra team included Annina Ham­mer (associate, pictured left), Sandro Fehl­mann (partner, pictured right) and junior associate Mar­lon Ber­to­lini (all cor­por­ate | m&a) and Laurent Ried­weg (tax).
