Baker McKenzie advised Highbridge Capital Management

The advisors

Baker McKenzie acted as lead and international counsel to Highbridge Capital Management. The team was led by partner Matthias Courvoisier (Capital Markets) and senior associate Philip Spoerlé (Capital Markets and Banking & Finance) and further comprised partner Khelin N. Aiken (Washington, FDA Regulatory and Compliance), partner Kathrin Marchant (Frankfurt, Banking & Finance), senior associates Yves Mauchle (Capital Markets), Julia Schieber (IP), counsel Andrea Bolliger (Tax), senior associate Marta Zuliamis (Banking & Finance), associate Jan Roethlisberger (Banking & Finance), junior associates Jan Lusti (Banking & Finance), Kristina Martinovic (Banking & Finance) and Fabienne Bretscher (IP).


As previously reported by Legalcommunity.chHomburger acted as legal and tax counsel to Santhera. The team was led by partners Dieter Gericke (Corporate / M&A) and Jürg Frick (Banking and Finance – pictured) and comprised Stefan Oesterhelt (Tax), counsel Eduard de Zordi (Banking and Finance), associates Daniel Häusermann (Corporate / M&A), David BorerAlessandra Mengotti and Pierina Janett-Seiler (all Banking and Finance), junior associates Marisa Di Francesco (Banking and Finance) and Oliver Kneubühl (Corporate/ M&A).
