TA Associates, a global growth private equity firm, made a strategic growth investment in Adcubum, a Swiss health and property & casualty (P&C) insurance software provider, and tech11, a fast-growing insurance software provider
Tags :Yves Suter
iRobot, a developer for consumer robots, has acquired privately-held Aeris Cleantec, a fast-growing provider of premium air purifiers headquartered in Cham, Zug Switzerland. The acquisition supports iRobot’s vision of building the world’s most
Sandvik Materials Technology, a developer and manufacturer of advanced stainless steels and special alloys, has acquired Accuratech Group, a niched medical component manufacturer headquartered in Switzerland. Accuratech Group is a consolidation of 3 smaller entities; Polyfil,
Bär & Karrer acts as legal advisor to EQT Infrastructure II fund in the agreement to sell Unilode Aviation Solutions to Basalt Infrastructure Partners, an independent infrastructure investment firm with a transatlantic focus on
The team included Christoph Neeracher (pictured), Philippe Seiler and Yves Suter (all M&A), Susanne Schreiber, Cyrill Diefenbacher and Kerim Tbaishat (all Tax), Lukas Roesler and Tim Salz (both Financing) as well as Thomas Stoltz
Bär & Karrer acts as Swiss legal advisor to EMZ in this transaction. The team includes Christoph Neeracher (pictured), Raphael Annasohn, Raphael Egger, Yves Suter and Lukas Bründler (all M&A), Laura Widmer and
The team includes Christoph Neeracher (pictured), Philippe Seiler and Yves Suter (all M&A), Corrado Rampini and Rehana Harasgama (both Data Protection)
Tineo, a portfolio company of Waterland Private Equity, has acquired netrics, a Swiss based cloud pioneer and managed services provider.
Bär & Karrer acted as Swiss legal advisor to Coty. The team included Christoph Neeracher (pictured), Thomas Rohde, Yves Suter and Li Wei Dutler (all m&a)
Bär & Karrer acted as legal advisor to Open Systems in this transaction. The team included partners Christoph Neeracher