Advestra with eMolecules and Avista on Synple Chem acquisition

Advestra advised eMolecules and Avista Health­care Part­ners (of which eMolecules is a porfolio company), on the acquisition of all shares in Synple Chem. The acquisition strategically expands eMolecules’ product and service portfolio to include automation solutions and enhances its one-stop-shop offering for drug discovery customer.

Advestra’s team

Advestra’s team included partner Andreas Hin­sen (pictured), Beau Vis­s­er, Luca Schmid and Mar­tina Giac­ometti (all cor­por­ate | M&A).


eMolecules was founded in 2005 with a vision to reduce drug discovery timelines through improved efficiencies in the compound search and acquisition process.

Avista Healthcare

Avista Health­care is a New York-based private equity firm with over $8 bil­lion inves­ted in more than 45 growth-ori­ented health­care busi­nesses globally.

About Us
Benedikt Wanner

“We are excited to join forces with eMolecules, a company that shares our vision of revolutionizing the way researchers access chemical compounds and the chemical space,” said Dr. Benedikt Wanner, CEO of Synple.

By integrating Synple’s automated synthesis technology and extensive virtual compound library into eMolecules’ unparalleled search-and-fulfillment platform, we are uniquely positioned to empower drug discovery teams with the tools they need to accelerate innovation and their discovery faster than ever before.

Synple Chem

Synple Chem was foun­ded in 2016 in Zurich as an ETH spin-off and is act­ive in the field of auto­mated chem­ic­al syn­thes­is sys­tems and solu­tions for small molecules drug dis­cov­ery customers.